Otras entenderán que todo lo desconocido parece inmenso...con el miedo que esto conlleva...¿Pero no será quizás que lo inescrutable, por ende, lo digno de turbación, elige la sonrisa de una mujer para esconderse tras ella y sus palabras? ¿No será quizás ése el vértigo que sentimos al advertir la imposibilidad de poseer aquello que anhelamos, por lo que suspiramos...?
The memories fire, the rhythms fall slow
Black beauty I love you so, so, so...
Oh Darling, when will you ever learn?
The grass is always greener,
It's everywhere you turn
You'll see it:
Everything you're sure of is up for change
We're all stuck on this spinning stage
Spinning around and round
And round and round and round
Oh Darling, when will you ever learn?
The grass is always greener,
It's everywhere you turn
You'll see it:
Everything you're sure of is up for change
We're all stuck on this spinning stage
Spinning around and round
And round and round and round