Este blog solo contiene retazos de una realidad difusa, de la cual es difícilmente discernible saber si en algún momento ocurrió, pues de ella solo conservo oscuros deseos. Lo único que resulta evidente, es que esos recuerdos me han dejado hechizado hasta la fecha
I'm not
I'm not obsessing
I'm just
I'm just curious
I'm not obsessing. I'm just curious. I'm not obsessing. I'm not obsessing. Just curious. I'm not obsessing. I'm not obsessing. I'm not obsessing? I'm not obessing! I'm just curious! I'm just curious? Obsessing? Curious! I'm...not...I'm...obsessing. I'm NOT obsessing. I'm NOT NOT obsessing...
To be honest, I really am obsessing.
And maybe i'm too young to keep good love from going wrong
But tonight you're on my mind so you never know
When i'm broken down and hungry for your love with no way to feed it
Where are you tonight, child you know how much i need it
Too young to hold on and too old to just break free and run